By Sakiru Olopade
....says Nigeria is a God’s project.
In a no-holds-barred exclusive interview with Apostle Peter as Olujide Adeniji, the general overseer of, God Is Able Covenant Mission Incorporation Int’l, GOSACOM, Ita Oshin, Abeokuta, spoke on many salient issues bothering on the controversy surrounding the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ;
The forthcoming 2023 general elections, New year messages for those at the helms of affairs, those at the corridors of power, people across board and not sparing the men on the pulpit.
The clergyman, who at a time, did not believe in the celebration of Christmas, just like some people too, but there was a change in the narrative now, according to him.
In the interview, Apostle Adeniji bared his mind on the reason for the change and the benefits in the celebration of Christmas.
“First and foremost, one thing should be noted, that the only thing that is permanent is change, nothing is permanent, except change.
“Before now, we do not believe in Christmas celebration because we believe that Jesus Christ is born into our lives everyday, not until we wait for a particular day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ” the clergyman said.
“However, like I said earlier that the only thing that is permanent is change, the reason we are having a turn around is that we consider it that if i celebrate my birthday and likewise other people celebrate their birthday once in a year.
“We now ask, is it a crime to have special day to celebrate the birth of our own redeemer, He that has come to redeem us, the one that has come to pay the supreme price, that no one can ever pay.
“The Bible has never made it a sin or crime, it is on this premise, that we now consider it as worthy to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and we can see that the whole world is also celebrating the Christmas” he affirmed.
Apostle Adeniji, made it clear that the argument on the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ is not known or the day was originally set aside for the worship of an idol is irrelevant.
“Yes, nobody can pin point or say the exact date but the 25th of December of every year has been adopted as the date of the celebration of the birth of our Lord instead of using the date to worship idol.
“It doesn’t matter, that is an indication that Jesus is supreme, Jesus is greater than the idol they have already chosen the day for” Adeniji said.
I’mExplaining the benefits of Christmas, Apostle Adeniji said,”Christmas day could be regarded as a day of salvation of some people. Today being a Christmas day, many people be in the presence of God which could serve as a day some people will repent and genuinely accept Jesus as a result of aura in the air.”
In his Christmas message to Nigerians, the general overseer of God Is Able Covenant Mission Incorporation Int’l, stated that Jesus was born to redeem us and bring peace to the whole world and therefore, charged every Nigerian to live in peace and harmony, imbibed culture of Peace in their homes, communities, and organizations.
He said, anyone that doesn’t know peace, regardless the calibre of such person, doesn’t know God and advised that everybody should live in peace and maintained peace everywhere.
On the forthcoming general elections in 2023, Apostle Adeniji, in his charge to the Nigerian leaders and the citizens of Nigeria counselled,” We have been praying for God’s intervention as regards 2023 general elections, a lot of prophesies have been coming from left, right, back, front and center;
“For me, I believe God is first in the affairs of men and when talking about Nigeria, it is God’s project, no doubt about it, no matter what anything or anyone may be doing, Nigeria remains God’s project and occupying the centre part of the heart of God.
“l want to charge our leaders from the presidency to allow the will of God to prevail, they should allow Nigerians to choose their leaders, whom they want to rule them for the next four years.
He added that, “the political leaders should, equally know that it is in the atmosphere of peace, faithfulness, truthfulness that we can have what we are agitating for, and should as well know that whatever they do, they will surely give account to God.”
On the part of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Apostle Adeniji enjoined them to be truthful and create level playing ground for all the aspirants in the conduct of the elections.
“The organ in charge of the election, (INEC), should endeavour to be truthful to Nigerians and ensure free and fair elections that will be acceptable to all and sundry, knowingly fully well that, whatever they do, will be on record with their image being at stake” the clergyman opined.
He therefore, warned the electorates to be mindful of the consequence of their actions and inactions in the process of the forthcoming elections.
“We should know that, we want to decide what will happen to us in another four years and should not be carried away with the gifts of five yards cloth, one kongo of rice, five thousand naira in envelope, even if it is five hundred thousand naira,it is nothing.
“We should vote wisely, according to the dictate of our hearts, noting, this is our country and we have no other country. And if you fail to vote, you should see yourself as the enemy, because your inactions will certainly have adverse effect on the outcome of the elections, so we should be ready to perform our civic right as citizens of this country” he advised.
On the new year, Apostle Adeniji gave assurance, that God had no evil plan for anybody, that God created us for good things and they should be expecting a glorious year and should avoid the prophets of doom.
He added that, people must run away from sin in order to receive the blessings and other goodies from God.
The respected man of God, equally has this to say for his fellow men of God all over the world; ” We should let people begin to see and know the will of God. Why are we called? What is the purpose of our calling? Stop deceiving people because of what you will eat, stop manipulating because at the end day, you will suffer.
“Stop merchandising the will of God, stop turning the house of God to a place of buying and selling. Remember what Jesus did to those who engaged in such act. Any pastor that refuses to repent in 2023, God is ready to flush him or her out” the clergyman warned.
“The children of God too, should open their eyes, stop following fake prophets and prophets of doom and know that you can also commune with God.
“And most importantly, we must live with fear of God and do the will of God from the alter to the congregation” the clergyman concluded.
Everything is handed over to God all we need is true Man of God that will never mix word just like that s Man of God. May God help us.