By Akujobi Amadi Samuel
We have tried to restrain ourselves from responding to the litany of bogus propaganda posts being made by members of Consolidation Team and their sponsors. But we feel it is important to clarify some of the misinformation being peddled by gullible script writers for Stanley Job Stanley and Ike Wigodo, on who is to blame for the crisis rocking NUJ in Rivers State.
We agree that Credentials Committee was set up in May, by the Constitution, they knew when they were taking up the responsibility that they had to conduct election not later than July 12, 2021. But instead, they delayed the process, and scheduled election for August 5. That was the first violation of the Constitution!
They knew that before any election holds, National Secretariat must receive its report, study it and address outstanding issues, including petitions, but the committee refused to submit its report until end of July, weeks after the expiration of the tenure of the executive. They did that in connivance with Stanley and Ike, with the aim to delay the election. Even before submitting the report to the National Secretariat, the Committee was supposed to have displayed the Voters’ List for Claims and Objections, which were supposed to form part of their submission to the National Secretariat, but no, they ignored that, because they felt they were above the law. Even their timetable was violated, with that action!
Now, having submitted their report to the National Secretariat, petitioners and respondents were invited to a meeting to resolve the issues in dispute. As part of effort to achieve peace, both parties were asked to return to PH and harmonise and certify the Delegates List before sending same back to the National Secretariat for final approval of date for election. In view of the time available, the National Secretariat fixed a tentative date of August 12, pending the resolution of outstanding issue of Delegates List. This task, both Stanley and Ike refused to comply with. Even after the deadline of Monday, August 9, given both parties, the National Secretariat extended the deadline by 24hours, and directed both parties to reach compromise by Tuesday, August 10, to enable election hold on Thursday. But this opportunity was also snubbed by Stanley and Ike, who went ahead to direct the Credentials Committee to go ahead with plans to conduct elections on August 12.
Knowing that the National Secretariat has not approved conduct of elections on August 12, Stanley and Ike decided to invite Vice President, Zone F, Edward Ogude, who had promised to do the undertaker work for them without National Secretariat authorisation and in violation of NUJ Constitution. Of course, Ogude persuaded the Zonal Secretary, Dr Bassey Eyoh, to join him, even when both knew that the National Secretariat had yet to approve the conduct of elections in Rivers. That is an action they could not contemplate in their respective states!
Now, on the issue of the process. It is only ignorant or dubious members of the Union would want to pretend that what happened on August 12 was caused by the National Secretariat and not Ogude. Or that the entire process never took place. No. Part of the process did take place, and did not violate the Constitution. Even Ogude himself, who claims to be a pastor, knows in his conscience, that both the opening ceremony and Business Session took place legally and complied with the Constitution. Why? Because both sessions didn’t require the presence of any National Officer, including Ogude himself, to be seen to have held, legally. In fact, the opening ceremony was chaired by an outsider, a surveyor, which did not breach the Constitution. The Business Session, constitutionally, was supposed to have been presided over by the Chairman of the Council, who reserves the right to nominate anybody else, and in this case, the Vice President, Zone F, Edward Ogude, to preside. The power by the State Council Chairman to preside over the State Conference (opening ceremony and Business Session) is derived from Article 5A (15a), which applies to the State Councils and Chapels as well. Constitutionally, there was nothing wrong with Ogude presiding over the Business Session. But after the presentation of both Secretariat and Financial reports, and dissolution of the SWC, the power to preside over the State Conference ends for Ogude or any other State Officer.
Why? Because the Constitution says in Article 6 (6) that an officer “or person(s) nominated or appointed by the National Secretariat in case of elections to the offices of states” shall “Supervise” the conduct of elections. Even Stanley and Ike never allowed anybody take over or question their constitutional right to so execute that power to supervise the conduct of elections at the individual Chapels in the state. That is why law-abiding journalists, who play by the rules, stopped Ogude from assuming responsibility to supervise election he was never authorised to so do. Ogude deliberately wanted to cause crisis in Rivers NUJ. That is why he elected to play the devil’s card at NUJ Press Centre on August 12.
That game Ogude came to play in Rivers State, he couldn’t try it in Delta State, where he comes from, and works. In fact, the same Ogude was directed by the National Secretariat to inaugurate a Caretaker Committee made up of SEC members in good financial standing after a similar stalemate in the Delta State Council election, and he happily executed the directive of the same National Secretariat. He did not oppose it! Proper election was later conducted after the National Secretariat had granted final approval for it to so hold.
A similar Caretaker Committee was set up in Lagos State after a stalemate in the election in compliance with Article 5C (9c) of the Constitution. Nobody complained! Proper election was later conducted after National Secretariat had given approval for it to so hold.
The drafters of NUJ Constitution took cognisance of this repeated scenarios in states in the past, and in 2011, provided in Article 5C (9c), for the vacuum to be closed by the take over of NEC at the National level; and SEC at the State level. So why are they making fuse out of a legitimate process in Rivers?
Why are they running to the Commissioner of Police, and making it look like the CP now decides how NUJ should be run in Rivers State? When did the CP become the interpreter of NUJ Constitution? When did the issue of status quo ante after an SWC had been properly dissolved in a State Conference become debatable or an issue to be decided by the CP or other third parties, instead of the invocation of Article 5C (9c) of the Constitution by the National Secretariat, which had been done in other states? Even the CP made it clear that he is not a member of NUJ and will not meddle in NUJ affairs. He also knows that NUJ is governed by a legal instrument – Constitution.
Why are Stanley, Ike and their sponsors pointing accusing fingers on NUJ President and National Secretariat, when clearly, they are the main purveyors of the crisis in Rivers NUJ? Why do they think that they are indispensable, or that their tenure cannot end (after it had ended on July 12 but was allowed till August 12), when they are busy pushing for another person to vacate office on the exact date of expiry of his tenure in October 4? Is it not the same Constitution they are seeking to interpret?
We have taken time to bring the issues to the fore for those who are still gullible, including Susan Serekara-Nwikhana, NAWOJ chairperson in Rivers State, who does not have any appreciable understanding of NUJ Constitution, to take some time to ponder, and retrace their steps.
On the issue of Elders Forum Peace Committee Resolutions, the positions some people have taken are clearly laughable. Why? Because there is no panel or commission or committee set up by any government, institution or organisation, whose recommendations have been accepted and implemented in full. Even in Western democracies! It is not mandatory that ALL recommendations MUST be accepted and implemented. Which panel or committee has ever made recommendations to the effect that if “A” is not accepted and implemented, then “B” should not be accepted and implemented? Where has that happened? Those making such arguments should point at ONE committee, panel or commission of inquiry whose recommendations have been implemented in full, one after the other. You do not expect to make recommendations that you know, in your conscience, undermine the Constitution, and expect it to be implemented wholly or even in part.
Besides, the Committee’s Resolutions were already being implemented. They submitted their report on August 26. Delegates List was displayed in line with their Resolutions on August 30. The committee accepted the constitution of Caretaker Committee in accordance with Article 5C (9c) and the directive of the National Secretariat conveyed in a letter dated August 13, 2021, and gave two-week timeline for its inauguration. Its only plea was in the number of SEC members to make up the Caretaker Committee, which is constitutional. The Caretaker Committee was inaugurated on September 9. So, where did the National Secretariat go wrong?
When people make arguments, they should try to be honest and respect others’ rights too. They should realise that every organisation or union has hierarchy and layers of authority, and respect them as there are because there have been so constituted.
We advise those making sporous claims, allegations, including those grandstanding, to sheath their sword, and allow peace to reign in Rivers NUJ. If you prepared for war, and before it began, you had lost all to your opponents, rather than keep fighting and losing your life, the wise counsel is usually that you beat a retreat and surrender. Why? Because you have to live to fight another day! Or you perpetually make peace with your enemies and live a peaceful life forever. Only the wise will understand! Here is morning.
Comrade Akujobi Amadi Samuel, Chairman